Community Health begins and ends with people having access to the best information.
Overall Community Wellness is dependent on how residents have access to quality Housing, Education, Community, Economic, and Health Services.
Community Health Workers are building relationships with their neighbors to encourage them to practice better wellness (i.e., wear masks, practice social distancing, and vaccinate).
A variety of resources are being provided to residents via referrals made to Community Health Workers
Participated in over 1,771 outreach activities and events.
Provided education and awareness information and training to over 53,255 residents.
Distributed over 55,969 masks to Palm Beach County residents.
Provided informational resources to over 32,301 PBC residents.
Reached over 91% hard-to-reach COVID positive residents for re-connection to Contact Tracers.
An investment of $3,500 per month pays for one Community Health Worker to continue their engagement efforts.
Help Community Partners of South Florida support Palm Beach County residents with knowledge, access, and information to promote wellness & remain safe during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
To discuss investment opportunities, please email:
Director of Strategic Initiatives Jaime-Lee Bradshaw by clicking here.