Success Story - Cassie

A small, sneaker-clad foot shot out between the driver and passenger seat. 

“I can’t sleep, Mom.” 

“I can’t sleep too, Mom!” 

“Me too, Mom.” 

Cassie sighed. She couldn’t sleep either.  

Despite the pillows and stuffed toys, sleeping in a car just wasn’t as comfortable as sleeping in a bed, but Cassie and her children didn’t have any other options since becoming homeless last year.  

Vacillating between the family car and a storage unit, Cassie was trying to make ends meet for herself and her children, but it was hard. She had a job at a local grocery store but didn’t make enough to pay the bills and when she fell behind on her rent, her landlord refused to work with her.  

She came to Community Partners of South Florida and started working with our Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. TANF Coordinator Marcie worked with the family to find an affordable home. After some searching, Marcie found a new apartment in Palm Beach County perfect for Cassie and her kids.  

The apartment is affordable and spacious with room for the kids to play, learn and grow in a safe and stable atmosphere.  

Now that she doesn’t have to worry about having a place to live, Cassie can focus on her family and her future. She continues to work at her grocery story job but is looking to go back to Palm Beach State College to continue her education and is working with the CPSFL Prosperity Center to develop a family budget and learn financial management skills.  
