Community Partners of South Florida is responding to our clients' basic needs.
Through our direct engagement with CPSFL clients, we've heard 2,000 client requests for basic needs such as:
- Food
- Household and hygiene items like toilet paper, cleaning supplies, soap and toothpaste
- Baby supplies like diapers, wipes and formula
CPSFL aims to leverage the generosity of donors at our March Happy Hour Networking (at Beauty and the Beeeef in Wellington) to respond to client requests.
We are asking that you:
Receive - the important resources your family needs to get through this pandemic safely
Give - what you can to support your Palm Beach County friends and neighbors during this stressful time
Share - our message and our resource guide
Food |
Contact Info |
Shelter |
Contact Info |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Jay Ministry |
Call 561-842-4276 Some housing resources |
Palm Beach Food Bank |
Call: 561-670-2518 |
Homeless Coalition |
Call: 561-355-4663 |
CROS Ministries |
Call: 561-233-9009 |
The Lord’s Place |
Call 561-537-4670 for transitional housing for families |
New Beginnings Food Pantry |
Call: 561-659-6747 |
Catholic Charities |
Hunger, Homeless & Outreach Services Call: 561-360-3323 |
Florida WIC |
Call: 561-357-6007 |
Domestic Violence assistance Call: 561-265-3797 |
Fresh Start Produce Sales |
Call: 561.496.7250 $10 Produce Boxes until stock lasts |
Lewis Center |
The process of getting into Adopt-A-Family or The Lord’s Place is still the same, and you must call the Lewis Center. Emergency Housing. Call: 561-904-7900 |
Palm Beach Outlets - Food Distribution |
Every Monday through June 1, 2020 from 9:00am-11:00am: |
Family Promise (WPB)
Program for homeless families. Does not need to go through Lewis Center. Call: 561- 318-8864 |
Summer Food Service Program |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
ZeroHunger app (for Android) |
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.memorytrees.zerohunger&hl=en_US |
Call: 561-689-0035 |
Clothing |
Contact Info |
Utilities |
Contact Info |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Lake Worth Community Actions |
Call: 561-694-7450 |
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies |
Call: 561-665-4500 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
Dress for Success |
Call: 561-249-3898 |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Lake Worth Corps |
561-968-8189 |
Catholic Charities |
Call: 561-360-3323 |
Farmworker Coordinating Council |
Call: 561-533-7227 |
St. Ann Place |
561-805-7708 |
United Way of Palm Beach County |
561-375-6600 |
Urban Youth Impact |
561-832-9220 |
Health |
Contact Info |
Housing/Financial Empowerment |
Contact Info |
Lewis Center 1000 45th Street |
Lewis Center is NOT accepting any new clients at this time. |
Catholic Charities |
Taking calls for rent/utilities assistance. Call: 561-360-3323. |
Florida Department of Health |
Call: 866-779-6121 Open 24/7 |
The Woman’s Circle
Call: 561- 244-7627 Employment assistance |
AVDA - Domestic Violence Assistance |
Call: 1-800-355-8547 |
Lake Worth Community Actions |
Call: 561-694-7450 |
Caridad Center |
Call: 561-737-6336 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions: |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
Mission Clinic |
Call: 561-460-3555 |
Gulfstream Goodwill |
Call: 561- 478-8824 Employment assistance |
CL Brumback Care Clinic |
Call: 561-642-1000 |
Adopt-a-Family |
Call: 561-253-1361 |
Health Council of SE Florida |
Call: 561-844-4220 |
Urban League of PBC |
Call: 561-833-1461 |
Florida WIC |
Call: 561-357-6007 |
VITA Tax Preparation |
VITA services has been suspended. If anyone is looking for free tax preparation services, call 211 for filing options or to try to do by themselves using the link https://apps.irs.gov/app/freeFile/ with different free online tax software companies or go directly to www.myfreetaxes.com
Families First of PBC |
Call: 561-721-2887 |
Student Aid Information |
Center for Family Services |
Call: 561-616-1222 |
FL Department of Children and Families - Economic Self-Sufficiency |
https://myflfamilies.com/covid19/access.shtml |
COVID-19 Testing |
Call: 561.642.1000 |
National Disability Institute Financial Resilience Center |
https://www.nationaldisabilityinstitute.org/financial-resilience-center/ |
Community |
Contact Info |
Early Learning Coalition |
Call: 561-514-3300 |
Jewish Family Services |
Funds set up for those who have lost their job or have had a disruption in their work due to the Coronavirus. Call 561-852-3333. |
Palm Tran |
Will remain free until further notice |
Google Chromebook |
https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/education/chromebook-accessibility-covid19/ |
Cotton Bottom Diaper Bank |
Email: megsfielder@gmail.com |
Junior League of Palm Beach County Diaper Bank |
http://www.JLPB.org |
Food |
Contact Info |
Shelter |
Contact Info |
Jay Ministry |
Call: 561-842-4276 Food pantry |
Jay Ministry |
Call 561-842-4276 Some housing resources |
Valley Of Love |
Call: 561-844-2400 Food pantry |
Homeless Coalition |
Call: 561-355-4663 |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
The Lord’s Place |
Call 561-537-4670 Transitional housing for families |
Palm Beach Food Bank |
Call: 561-670-2518 |
Catholic Charities |
Call: 561-360-3323 Hunger, Homeless & Outreach Services |
CROS Ministries |
Call: 561-233-9009 |
Call: 561-265-3797 Domestic Violence assistance |
Florida WIC |
Call: 561-357-6007 |
Lewis Center |
Call: 561-904-7900 The process of getting into Adopt-A-Family or The Lord’s Place is still the same, and you must call the Lewis Center. Emergency Housing. |
St. Vincent DePaul |
Call: 561-697-9699 Food/emergency resources |
Operation Hope |
Call: 561- 396-7969 Program for homeless families. Does not need to go through Lewis Center. |
Summer Food Service Program |
Family Promise
Call: 561- 318-8864 Program for homeless families. Does not need to go through Lewis Center. |
ZeroHunger App (for Android) |
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.memorytrees.zerohunger&hl=en_US |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Call: 561-689-0035 |
Clothing |
Contact Info |
Utilities |
Contact Info |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies |
Call: 561-665-4500 |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Dress for Success |
Call: 561-249-3898 |
Catholic Charities |
Call: 561-360-3323 |
St. Ann Place |
561-805-7708 |
Farmworker Coordinating Council |
Call: 561-533-7227 |
United Way of Palm Beach County |
561-375-6600 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
Urban Youth Impact |
561-832-9220 |
Health |
Contact Info |
Housing/Financial Empowerment |
Contact Info |
Florida Department of Health |
Call: 866-779-6121 Open 24/7 |
Catholic Charities |
Taking calls for rent/utilities assistance. Call: 561-360-3323. |
AVDA - Domestic Violence Assistance |
Call: 1-800-355-8547 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
CL Brumback Care Clinic |
Call: 561-642-1000 |
Urban League of PBC |
Call: 561-833-1461 |
Health Council of SE Florida |
Call: 561-844-4220 |
VITA Tax Preparation |
VITA services has been suspended. If anyone is looking for free tax preparation services, call 211 for filing options or to try to do by themselves using the link https://apps.irs.gov/app/freeFile/ with different free online tax software companies or go directly to www.myfreetaxes.com
Florida WIC |
Call: 561-357-6007 |
Student Aid Information |
Families First of PBC |
Call: 561-721-2887 |
Catholic Charities |
Taking calls for rent/utilities assistance. Call: 561-360-3323. |
Center for Family Services |
Call: 561-616-1222 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
COVID-19 Testing |
Call: 561.642.1000 |
Florida Department of Children and Families - Economic Self-Sufficiency |
Florida Department of Health |
Call: 866-779-6121 Open 24/7 |
AVDA - Domestic Violence Assistance |
Call: 1-800-355-8547 |
CL Brumback Care Clinic |
Call: 561-642-1000 |
Community |
Contact Info |
Early Learning Coalition |
Call: 561-514-3300 |
Jewish Family Services |
Funds set up for those who have lost their job or have had a disruption in their work due to the Coronavirus. Call 561-852-3333. |
Palm Tran |
Will remain free until further notice |
Google Chromebook |
https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/education/chromebook-accessibility-covid19/ |
Early Learning Coalition |
Call: 561-514-3300 |
211 Helpline |
Call: 211
Cotton Bottom Diaper Bank |
Email: megsfielder@gmail.com |
Junior League of Palm Beach County Diaper Bank
http://www.JLPB.org |
Food |
Contact Info |
Shelter |
Contact Info |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Homeless Coalition |
Call: 561-355-4663 |
Palm Beach Food Bank |
Call: 561-670-2518 |
The Lord’s Place |
Call 561-537-4670 Transitional housing for families |
Family Promise |
Call: 561- 265-3370 |
Catholic Charities |
Call: 561-360-3323 Hunger, Homeless & Outreach Services |
Florida WIC |
Call: 561-357-6007 |
Call: 561-265-3797 Domestic Violence assistance |
Summer Feeding Program |
Lewis Center |
Call: 561-904-7900 The process of getting into Adopt-A-Family or The Lord’s Place is still the same, and you must call the Lewis Center. Emergency Housing. |
ZeroHunger app (for Android) |
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.memorytrees.zerohunger&hl=en_US |
Operation Hope |
Call: 561- 396-7969 Program for homeless families. Does not need to go through Lewis Center. |
Family Promise
Call: 561- 318-8864 Program for homeless families. Does not need to go through Lewis Center. |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Call: 561-689-0035 |
Clothing |
Contact Info |
Utilities |
Contact Info |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies |
Call: 561-665-4500 |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Dress for Success |
Call: 561-249-3898 |
Catholic Charities |
Call: 561-360-3323 |
United Way of Palm Beach County |
Call: 561-375-6600 |
Farmworker Coordinating Council |
Call: 561-533-7227 |
Family Promise |
Call: 561- 265-3370 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
FL Department of Children and Families - Economic Self-Sufficiency |
Health |
Contact Info |
Housing/Financial Empowerment |
Contact Info |
Florida Department of Health |
Call: 866-779-6121 Open 24/7 |
Catholic Charities |
Call: 561-360-3323 Taking calls for rent/utilities assistance. |
AVDA - Domestic Violence Assistance |
Call: 1-800-355-8547 24 hour Crisis Hotline |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
CL Brumback Care Clinic |
Call: 561-642-1000 |
VITA Tax Preparation |
VITA services has been suspended. If anyone is looking for free tax preparation services, call 211 for filing options or to try to do by themselves using the link https://apps.irs.gov/app/freeFile/ with different free online tax software companies or go directly to www.myfreetaxes.com
Health Council of SE Florida |
Call: 561-844-4220 |
Student Aid Information |
Florida WIC |
Call: 561-357-6007 |
Families First of PBC |
Call: 561-721-2887 |
Center for Family Services |
Call: 561-616-1222 |
COVID-19 Testing |
Call: 561.642.1000 |
Community |
Contact Info |
Early Learning Coalition |
Call: 561-514-3300 |
Jewish Family Services |
Funds set up for those who have lost their job or have had a disruption in their work due to the Coronavirus. Call 561-852-3333. |
Palm Tran |
Will remain free until further notice |
Google Chromebook |
https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/education/chromebook-accessibility-covid19/ |
211 Helpline |
Call: 211 |
Cotton Bottom Diaper Bank | Email: megsfielder@gmail.com |
Junior League of Palm Beach County Diaper Bank | http://www.JLPB.org |
Food |
Contact Info |
Shelter |
Contact Info |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Homeless Coalition |
Call: 561-355-4663 |
Palm Beach Food Bank |
Call: 561-670-2518 |
The Lord’s Place |
Call 561-537-4670 Transitional housing for families |
Family Promise |
Call: 561- 265-3370 |
Catholic Charities |
Call: 561-360-3323 Hunger, Homeless & Outreach Services |
Florida WIC |
Call: 561-357-6007 |
Call: 561-265-3797 Domestic Violence assistance |
211 Helpline |
Call: 211
Family Promise
Call: 561- 318-8864 Program for homeless families. Does not need to go through Lewis Center. |
Church of the Harvest Pahokee |
Call: 561-924-7776 |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
New Hope Charities Food Pantry
Call: 561-924-7986 |
Call: 561-689-0035 |
Summer Feeding Program |
ZeroHunger App (for Android) |
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.memorytrees.zerohunger&hl=en_US |
Clothing |
Contact Info |
Utilities |
Contact Info |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies |
Call: 561-665-4500 |
The Salvation Army |
Call: 561- 686-3530 |
Dress for Success |
Call: 561-249-3898 |
Catholic Charities |
Call: 561-360-3323 |
United Way of Palm Beach County |
Call: 561-375-6600 |
Farmworker Coordinating Council |
Call: 561-533-7227 |
Family Promise |
Call: 561- 265-3370 |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
Health |
Contact Info |
Housing/Financial Empowerment |
Contact Info |
Florida Department of Health |
Call: 866-779-6121 Open 24/7 |
Catholic Charities |
Call: 561-360-3323 Taking calls for rent/utilities assistance. |
AVDA - Domestic Violence Assistance |
Call: 1-800-355-8547 24 hour Crisis Hotline |
Palm Beach County Community Actions |
Call: 561-355-4700 |
Health Council of SE Florida |
Call: 561-844-4220 |
VITA Tax Preparation |
VITA services has been suspended. If anyone is looking for free tax preparation services, call 211 for filing options or to try to do by themselves using the link https://apps.irs.gov/app/freeFile/ with different free online tax software companies or go directly to www.myfreetaxes.com
Florida WIC |
Call: 561-357-6007 |
Student Aid Information |
Families First of PBC |
Call: 561-721-2887 |
Florida Department of Children and Families - Economic Self-Sufficiency |
Center for Family Services |
Call: 561-616-1222 |
COVID-19 Testing |
Call: 561.642.1000 |
Community |
Contact Info |
Early Learning Coalition |
Call: 561-514-3300 |
Jewish Family Services |
Funds set up for those who have lost their job or have had a disruption in their work due to the Coronavirus. Call 561-852-3333. |
Palm Tran |
Will remain free until further notice |
Google Chromebook |
https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/education/chromebook-accessibility-covid19/ |
211 Helpline |
Call: 211 |
Cotton Bottom Diaper Bank | megsfielder@gmail.com |
Junior League of Palm Beach County | http://www.JLPB.org |
- Palm Beach County Community Services Department Guidance for COVID-19 Rental, LIHEAP, EHEAP and Utility Assistance
- City of West Palm Beach Rental Eviction Prevention Policy - Frequently Asked Questions
- City of West Palm Beach Rental Eviction Prevention Policy - Application
- City of West Palm Beach COVID-19 Community Toolbox
- Palm Beach County Food Banks
- Summer Feeding Program - Palm Beach County Schools (UPDATED 5.11.20)
- Youth Summer Camp Services
- Palm Beach County Library System Reopening
- Feeding South Florida Distribution Sites