Bridge The Technology Gap

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Obtaining digital information, shopping online, participating democratically, completing job applications, applying for small business loans, utilizing telehealth or learning other skills all happen online. Our neighbors without access to the Internet and other technology experience major disadvantages that negatively affect quality of life.

Technology is the new dividing line that leaves our most disconnected neighborhoods behind, causing detrimental consequences.

Our award winning program bridges the digital divide and provides educational and economic opportunities for residents in Palm Beach County.

Our services are available county-wide.  Get connected to hardware and classes today by submitting a referral.


  • Free access to Chromebooks.
  • Over 14 newly refreshed computer literacy classes available.


For more information, email

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Technology plays a key role in how we, at CPSFL, provide a comprehensive system of supportive services, including housing, mental health services, and community services.

We thank our funding partners, Quantum Foundation and the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties, that allow us to close the digital divide.

Community Foundation                    Quantum Foundation