Training Series Tackles Heirs’ Property Issues 

CPSFL works together with the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County to launch a virtual training series, sponsored by JPMorgan Chase, to empower residents to protect their properties and secure their future

Introducing Dr. Kaisha Thomas: Leading the Way in Mental Health at CPSFL

Community Partners of South Florida is excited to welcome Dr. Kaisha Thomas as our new Vice President of Child and Family Mental Health Services! With over 20 years of experience and a deep passion for helping others, Dr. Thomas brings exceptional leadership and expertise to this critical role.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

At CPSFL, we invest in people, places, and systems so neighborhoods and residents thrive. As a part of this mission, we are thrilled to introduce a newly renovated single-family home located in the heart of West Palm Beach. Click the image to find out how to reserve your ticket to this ribbon-cutting event!

Season of Giving: CPSFL Food Drive!

Let's donate resources to families in need this season and make a difference in our community!

November Homebuyer's Education Class

Get ready to become a certified homebuyer! Join our live Zoom Homebuyer's Education Class on November 14th and 16th from 5:30pm-8:30PM. Attend both sessions to receive your certificate, valid for one year after completion. Click the image to find out how to register!

Securing Our Future Initiative (SOFI) Graduation 2023

We are thrilled to acknowledge that, on Wednesday the 4th of October, CPSFL honored 30 amazing SOFI graduates! The Securing Our Future Initiative (SOFI) is a collaborative system of care that brings together community stakeholders to create an ecosystem that supports innovative systemic change and maximizes opportunities.

Kelly Powell Promoted to CEO

Kelly has been an integral part of the Community Partners of South Florida since 2009. Her hard work and commitment have laid the foundation for social change and paved the way for a strong growth path for CPSFL.

Moving On UP!

Community Partners of South Florida and the Lake Worth Beach Community Redevelopment Agency collaborated to acquire affordable rental apartments to transform renters into first-time homebuyers in Lake Worth Beach! The six-unit rental building from the City of Lake Worth Beach will be used to launch a unique new housing solution where residents are immediately put on the path to homeownership. Read more about how the program works! 

Natalie O’Hara Promoted to Chief Financial Officer

Community Partners of South Florida has promoted Natalie O’Hara to Chief Financial Officer. O’Hara, formerly the organization’s Director of Financial Services, has a strong history of providing financial oversight and strategic leadership in various capacities within the nonprofit sector.

Families Explore the Arts Together

Thank you to the Cultural Council for Palm Beach County for sharing AIMBY Family Saturdays with our BRIDGES families this year. The Arts In My Backyard program is an arts-exposure program designed for families with children to create, connect and discover the arts together! In addition to boosting neural development and fine motor skills, art allows children to process their world and safely process their emotions.

School-Based Mental Health

A partnership with Palm Beach County School District will continue through the Behavioral-Mental Health Services for Students initiative for the upcoming academic school year. Community Partners of South Florida (CPSFL) employees serve as co-located Mental Health Professionals and support students in twelve public schools across Palm Beach County. Students may receive twelve sessions at no cost to families.

Goal Getter

Community Partners of South Florida is committed to ensuring every family in Palm Beach County has an affordable place to live and the resources they need to thrive. The Securing Our Future Initiative is working with residents to make their dreams a reality through hard work, community connections and the encouragement of a supportive network. 

Annual NeighborWorks Week Celebration

During 2023 NeighborWorks Week, Community Partners of South Florida (CPSFL) and other NeighborWorks network organizations nationwide celebrate community achievements and how they are working together to improve lives and empower communities for success. Read more about the annual volunteer-led beautification project.

One Point Can Change A Life

Wraparound Services Case Manager Anthony Sommer worked with Nasir and his mother Shirley for two years – moment by moment, connection by connection, point by point – until they were able to reach a place where the family could thrive.

LYNDA’S BLOG: The Riviera Beach Homebuyers Club Housing Fair

I’m pleased to announce that our annual housing fair, hosted by Community Partners of South Florida (CPSFL) and the Riviera Beach Community Development Corporation (RBCDC), will take place on Saturday, March 4, 2023. The indoor and outdoor event will be held at The Riviera Beach Marina from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Community Partners of South Florida Was an Ingredient of This Budding Chef’s Success

“CPSFL has so many support systems,” said Tyler. “If you are struggling with anything at all, they have someone to help you with work, transportation, food, mental health, and housing.”  

Community Health Center Will Increase Access to Health and Social Services in Riviera Beach

Community Partners of South Florida is proud to be a partner in the Riviera Beach Health Initiative alongside FoundCare, the Health Council of Southeast Florida as well as the American Heart Association (Palm Beach County). Informed by significant quantitative and qualitative data, the Riviera Beach Health Initiative is a multi-pronged strategy to improve the health of residents by building the capacity of and increasing the residents’ access to health and social services. 

Florida Blue Foundation Will Invest In CPSFL Mental and Behavioral Health Clinicians and Interns

Community Partners of South Florida will receive an investment of $300,000 over three years from the Florida Blue Foundation. The grant will support training and development for mental health professionals and interns at the Riviera Beach-based nonprofit. “Community Partners of South Florida was selected based on their documented expertise and experience in the delivery of mental well-being services for families, children, individuals and communities,” said Susan Towler, executive director of the Florida Blue Foundation. “With this grant we can help ensure these programs will continue to broaden and enhance mental health services at a time when communities need them the most.”

Creating Opportunities To Dream

The ability to choose - the neighborhood you live in, where your children go to school, how you earn a living - is crucial to living the life you imagine for yourself and your family.   Community Partners of South Florida believes in the ideal of client voice, client choice and understands that when resident voices are elevated and empowered - goals are accomplished and dreams are realized.    

We Wish You Many Blessings

My name is Drayton and I am a single Dad who works hard to put food on the table and to make the world as happy as possible. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and my experience with Community Partners of South Florida. My journey began about a year after I became a single father. Unfortunately, I lost my fiancé to a heart attack due to complications during pregnancy in 2020. I watched her take her last breath in my arms as I was trying to apply CPR and save her. When the paramedics arrived, they told me she had no pulse and announced her passing later that night at JFK hospital.  

SOFI Has Been a Lifesaver for Me and My Family

Buying a home is a complicated and involved process. That’s why Community Partners of South Florida is committed to standing with our clients every step of the way just as we did with Marian Robertson. Marian enrolled in the Securing Our Futures Initiative seeking to raise her credit score and create a sustainable budget.

Accomplishing Goals and Movin’ On Up

Sheana became involved in the Securing Our Future Initiative two years ago. Now, after much dedication, she is accomplishing her "bucket list" goals one by one! From raising her credit score to paying for her bachelor’s degree to saving money to purchase her own home, she has been busy making her dreams a reality. 

Going the Extra Mile

As a result of medical complications outside of her control, Elizabeth missed several car seat installation appointments with the Safe Kids Palm Beach County team. Possessing a deep commitment to providing safety education to parents, our injury prevention team members went the extra mile to help a new mother in need. 

Parents are Reading, Writing and Raising the Bar for Their Families

Health. Achievement. Income. Self-esteem. Every important social issue is impacted by low literacy. When individuals learn how to read, write, do basic math and use computers, they have the power to lower their health care costs, lift themselves out of poverty, find and keep sustainable employment and ultimately change their lives. Learn how one BRIDGES member is helping other adults achieve their goals. 

Reunited After Six Years: Dion and Elijah’s Story

Incarcerated for a non-violent offense since her son was six months old, Dion knew that she had a lot of time to make up for now that she was a free woman. She had missed the first six years of her son’s life, a critical time for bonding and child development and Dion knew she needed parenting support. She reached out to Community Partners of South Florida in the hopes of finding resources to strengthen her family.

How Do You Help A Whole Community?

Community Partners of South Florida (CPSFL) is the trusted leader in comprehensive community development – investing in people, places, and systems so neighborhoods and residents thrive. We use an intentional approach aimed at improving lives and strengthening communities. 

Kemarion's Journey

As a new single mom, Kemarion knew she needed to earn more in order to secure a brighter future for her young family. She heard about the Securing Our Future Initiative at CPSFL through her mom and got connected with our team. Kemarion's journey is one that inspires us to stay positive even when life throws us a curveball. Sometimes just reaching out for a little support is all you need to get to where you want to be!

Update from the CEO

CPSFL is committed to finding creative solutions to our housing challenges and to partnering with other organizations to find solutions. The $200 million housing bond on the ballot in November is certainly a step in the right direction, but will not solve a problem that has so many complex variables. We will continue to do everything in our power to keep people in their homes, build new affordable inventory, and prepare those who desire homeownership to purchase when homes become available.

Securing Our Future: Economic Mobility Summit

We are dedicated to building pathways for upward mobility for families experiencing poverty. As a partner in the Securing Our Future Initiative, CPSFL invites you to join area leaders and local families at the first annual Economic Mobility Summit: Securing Our Future that will take place on September 28, 2022 at the Convention Center.

Nonprofit Professional of the Year Nominee - Heather DeStefano

Nonprofit work, especially in the mental health field, is less a job and more a calling. Now, the need is greater than ever and Community Partners of South Florida’s Director of Clinical Services Heather DeStefano is dedicated to answering that call and serving the needs of PBC residents.   

Counseling & Support for PBC Students

Community Partners of South Florida provides mental health services to Palm Beach County schools under the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act passed by the Florida Legislature in 2018. Funded in part by the Jim Moran Foundation, CPSFL has 10 therapists embedded in 11 schools from Boca Raton to Jupiter to Belle Glade.  “We provide one-on-one counseling and support to any student who needs it,” said Dalad Srisuppak, CPSFL’s Director of School Programs. “Our counselors create a safe space for the students so they know they can come in and talk to us.”    

Leadership Update from Scott Hansel, CEO

Health equity means every person has the chance to achieve their best health. Health equity is a large part of the CPSFL comprehensive community development vision to revitalize neighborhoods by focusing on three critical areas: Health – Housing – Community.     

Staff Reflections on the No Wrong Door Approach

Over the course of our 36-year history, thousands of Palm Beach County residents have walked through the doors of Community Partners of South Florida. Whether they are the doors to our BRIDGES hubs, our therapy offices or the doors to a family’s first home, we firmly believe that when it comes to connecting residents with the services and supports they need to thrive, all are welcome and there are no wrong doors.

Mid Year Impact Update

Partnering with individuals and supporting them as they reach their personal goals and set their families up for a strong future is what we're all about. Read client success stories and check out the impact snapshot.


Mentoring links children with caring adults who are committed to their social and emotional development. The goal of the mentoring program is to build protective factors, foster a sense of connectedness, and support social-emotional learning through a supportive, positive adult mentor/mentee relationship.       

Leadership Update: Jaime-Lee Bradshaw & Scott Hansel

We have been inspired by the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Like the UN, we are a committed partner in transformation and we are focused on thriving families and revitalizing neighborhoods right here at home in Palm Beach County.    

Kelly Powell-Evans Promoted to Chief Operating Officer

Community Partners of South Florida (CPSFL) has promoted Kelly Powell-Evans to chief operating officer. Powell-Evans, formerly the organization’s vice president of community services, has a strong history of leading community-based programs and serving as an advocate for children.   

Access Matters: CPSFL and Partners Connect Belle Glade Families to WiFi

Can you imagine banking, shopping, accessing healthcare or applying for jobs without high-speed internet?   Neither can we. That’s why Community Partners of South Florida has been working with dozens of local partners to close the digital divide. Local municipalities, Palm Beach County, the Education Foundation of Palm Beach County, the School District of Palm Beach County, Florida Crystals, and the Miami Dolphins Social Impact Committee have teamed up to facilitate access to education, health, wellness, housing and economic opportunities for Palm Beach County residents. 

Breaking Ground: A Celebration of Two First-Time Homebuyers

On behalf of the entire staff on Community Partners of South Florida (CPSFL), we are thrilled to congratulate Ms. Adrian Bedford and Ms. Tabbatha Durden-Weathersbee on the groundbreaking of their new homes. Our organization was truly honored to play a vital role in their journeys as first-time homeowners.

Update From Our CEO

Safe neighborhoods, affordable homes, and child well-being are intricately connected and CPSFL’s 40+ programs (yes, you read that correctly, 40+) allow for a unique approach to neighborhood revitalization. Read on to learn about the latest developments from CPSFL Housing Services.

Support CP Students with a Special August 11th Back-to-School Backpack Drive

On Sunday, August 11, 2019, Community Partners of South Florida (CP) is inviting the community to a free, family-friendly, one-day backpack and school supply drive at our main office in Riviera Beach. This fun event from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. will help give our K-12 students a confident, prepared, (and very stylish!) start to a successful and exciting new school year.

Local author holds book tour with BRIDGES, inspiring readings with children

Palm Beach County, Fla. – Jervonte “Tae” Edmonds knows about helping others. His role as Founder and CEO of Suits for Seniors, Inc. is the nation’s fastest growing youth preparedness and exposure program. His newest venture takes him into the literary world as author of Adventures of the